
Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

Whose Book is it?

One topic that has come up over and over again in the book community is the question of who a book belongs to, who authors write books for. It seems the most popular response to this question is “readers,” but I think we should challenge this idea. I’ve had instructors, mentors, writers, and other editors say that a book is, first and foremost, for the reader, but the more I talk and think about this topic, I’m not so sure the answer is clearcut.

So, if an author isn’t writing for their readers, who are they writing for? Well, I’d say that they’re writing for themselves. Of course, they have potential readers in mind when writing, and editors should advocate for their readers as well. But at the end of the day, everyone who writes does so because they have a story within them, a story they want to share with others. And if they didn’t write for themselves before anyone else, then they wouldn’t have a meaningful story at all.

If authors only wrote for readers, the stories they create would be two-dimensional and insincere. I’d argue that readers can tell when an author wrote a book according to what they think readers would want as opposed to telling the story inside their heart.

What does this mean for writers? Well, I often hear writers worrying that they’re putting too much of themselves into their stories, either by making a character too similar to them or in some other manner. While this is typically solid advice, I think the writing community sometimes takes this more seriously than we should. In fact, at times the best thing a writer can do for their story is to add more of themselves to it.

I’m not saying that writers should flip to the other extreme and put all of themselves into every story, but I think it’s important to recognize when a story could benefit from adding more of the writer into it. And I certainly think we should normalize the idea that writers are writing for themselves first.

My best piece of advice on the topic: Write for yourself first. Worry about writing for the reader during revisions or during the editing process.

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Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

ACES VCON: The Sessions I’m Looking Forward to Most

ACES vCon will be the first editing conference I attend! I was so excited to see the many wonderful sessions that will be presented. Here are a few I’m particularly looking forward to:

Confident Querying, Without the Ego led by Christine Steele and Lourdes Venard

Querying is one of those skills that I either feel ridiculously confident about or not confident at all. I usually worry that I’m querying too much, but I figure it’s better to query too much than not enough. I’, looking forward to finding my footing in querying, starting with this session.

I took The Business of Copyediting with Christine through the UCSD Copyediting Program, and she is not only one of the wisest editors I know but also an editor who is committed to lifting up others in the field. So, I know this session will be filled with valuable information!

Beyond the Gender Binary: Editing for More Inclusive Fiction led by Eliot West and Tanya Gold

As many of you know, I am just starting out in my freelance editing career. However, I hope to work with many authors from marginalized communities, so I can’t imagine a better place to start than with this session. I have wanted to be more involved with the LGBTQIA+ community, and I think expanding my knowledge about various identities is vital.

I can’t wait to see what West and Gold have to share! I’ve e-met Tanya once, and they are so kind and encouraging! I am very excited to have the chance to learn more about nonbinary representation from editors who are nonbinary themselves!

Through the Looking Glass: A Different Lens from Disabled, Chronically Ill, and Neurodivergent Editors

I am so excited about this session because the topic really resonates with me! As a disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent editor, I love that other editors are encouraging people to adopt a different attitude toward these communities. Since receiving my diagnosis of autism earlier this year, I have struggled with understanding why it is a diagnosis when it’s just who I am. Similarly, I frequently feel like my disabilities and chronic illnesses give me a unique perspective, especially within editing.

I had the chance to e-meet Vee once, and they are so knowledgeable and caring! I can’t wait to learn from them and the other speakers in this session!

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