Book Review: Liberation by R.M. Krogman

Genre: Epic Fantasy
Pages: 762
Series: The Keepers of Midgate Book 1
5 stars

Usually when I read books that are longer than 500 pages, I’m a little relieved when I finish, regardless of whether or not I enjoyed them. But Liberation… Oh how I wish it had been longer just so I could stay in the world of Midgate a little longer!

Books that tackle dark themes are always a hit or miss for me because it’s so easy to go astray, but Krogman did a phenomenal job of addressing dark, and often traumatic, themes without weighing the story down with graphic details. She doesn’t shy away from the topics, but she also doesn’t hyperfocus on them, which I greatly admire.

Konan and Lyra are everything! Their story is filled with pain and heartache, and I loved that they were there for each other. I frequently found myself skimming the table of contents to see when the next chapter from one of their perspectives was. Their relationship and all it’s obstacles had me furiously turning pages.

Similarly, I was sure I would hate Thordrin from the beginning, so how did Krogman not only convince me to like him but love him? He was such a compelling character, especially for a secondary character, and he brought a new definition to the term “morally gray.” I can’t wait to read more with him in it!

Despite how much I adore Konan, Lyra, and Thordrin, another character stole my heart completely: Taiuki! She’s so headstrong, and I was impressed with the way Krogman balanced certain aspects of her character, such as her commitment to The Way of the Current and her difficulty in following it. The fact that she had inspirations that went beyond the marriage she was destined for was believable and wonderfully written.

Finally, the world-building in Liberation is truly remarkable! The characters all come from diverse and intricate cultures. This was one of those books that make you feel like the world really could exist somewhere, it was that well thought out.

I could go on and on about all the phenomenal aspects of Liberation, but trust me when I say you need to read it!


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