Book Review: Master of Iron by Tricia Levenseller
Genre: YA Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rep: Social Anxiety
Every time I think I’ve read the best of Tricia Levenseller, she releases another book that is even better than her last! Master of Iron is the second book in Levenseller’s Bladesmith duology, and it picks up right where the last book left off.
This book is one of those rarities that are so amazing they leave me speechless. There isn’t a single thing about this novel that I didn’t absolutely love, but my favorite aspect was the way Ziva’s social anxiety was portrayed. I have never read a book that so accurately depicts what it’s like to have social anxiety. I also loved how Ziva’s friends and family didn’t force her to change, but recognized her social anxiety as part of who she is.
Additionally, Master of Iron offers everything you could want in a fantasy novel. There is plenty of action, yet it didn’t overtake the plot. The supporting characters added so much depth to the plot as well. The romance in the novel was the perfect amount in my opinion. I adored Ziva and Kellyn!
Overall, Master of Iron was a phenomenal follow-up to Blade of Secrets! As if Tricia Levenseller didn’t already have me as a lifelong reader, she would after this wonderful duology!