
Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

Writing as an Editor

Some of you might already know, but I started writing a book at the end of last year. I’ve had quite a few people ask me questions about how my writing has affected my editing and vice versa. So, I’ve decided to explore that a little in this blog post.

Before I started writing my book, I’d heard multiple people say that you shouldn’t hire an editor who’s never published a book. At the time, I thought that was completely ridiculous…and I still do. Writing and publishing a book has nothing to do with an editor’s qualifications. In fact, if an editor’s only qualification is that they’ve published a book, you should probably find a different editor.

However, writing has led me to see editing in ways I hadn’t necessarily considered as deeply before. For instance, editors are often taught that authors cannot be objective in relation to their own writing. While I understood this before, I now wholeheartedly feel it in my core. Are there “unconventional” aspects of my writing? Yes. Can I view them objectively? Absolutely not. If anything, this has shown me how valuable developmental editors in particular can be. When I’m ready for that stage of editing, I will be relying heavily on my editor to be knowledgeable and honest about what works in my story and what doesn’t.

I do think my writing improves my editing in a way similar to how reading books within the genre you edit improves your editing. Just as with each book I read I have a better understanding of editing concepts, with each word I write I further develop that knowledge by figuring out what does and doesn’t work in my story.

Finally, I would consider myself a pretty empathetic person, but I think the act of writing has helped me feel closer to the authors I work with. When they express frustration over trying to get a scene just right, I know exactly how they feel. And often, since I’ve been there myself, I have more suggestions or strategies for them to try based partially on what helped me through my own difficult scenes.

As a whole, I think writing and editing are intricately connected and constantly evolving. You don’t need to be a writer to be an editor, but venturing into writing as an editor certainly helps you improve your editing skills.

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Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

Can Gendered Words Be Used in an Ungendered Way?

I’ve thought about this topic for quite a while, and after attending the Fireside Chat with Karen Yin and the LGBTQ+ Editors Association, I decided to finally write this blog post. Yin talked about the importance of being open to new ideas when it comes to conscious language, and I think this topic relates to that idea quite well.

So, my idea for this blog post started with the idea of gendered language, something that permeates most cultures around the world, and how there’s been a push to implement ungendered, or gender-neutral language, to be more inclusive. I want to be clear that I am, in no way, advocating against gender-neutral language. It’s an important part of unbiased language, and I strive to implement it in both my professional and everyday life.

However, I wondered about instances where gender-neutral language is currently not sufficient in conveying some ideas that are conveyed in some examples of gendered language. What should we do when this happens? Should we invent new, gender-neutral terms to encompass similar meanings? Or, can we use gendered words in an ungendered way? I think both of these options have merit, but I’d like to explore the latter in this post.

First, let’s look at a couple examples of gendered words that don’t seem to have a gender-neutral equivalent capable of conveying all the connotations the gendered term has. The two terms that immediately came to mind for me were “sisterhood” and “brotherhood.” You certainly have the option to use “siblinghood,” but I would argue that “sisterhood” and “brotherhood” not only have different connotations than the gender-neutral alternative, but there are also different connotations between the two gendered terms as well.

As someone who grew up in a military family, I typically associate “brotherhood” with the military, but I don’t think it can only be used in that context. My father, who served in the Army, and I discussed this topic, and I asked him, “Did you feel a sense of brotherhood with the women you served with?” His answer was “absolutely.” In this sense, “brotherhood” has nothing to do with gender, even though it is technically a gendered word. It’s meaning goes far beyond gender, and it encapsulates the idea of bonding with another person by having gone through similar, often intense, experiences together. So, I would argue that people with any gender identity can feel a sense of brotherhood with anyone.

Similarly, I was in a sorority in college. One of our values is sisterhood, and as an only child, I learned a lot about the concept during my collegiate years. To me, sisterhood conveys the idea of bonding with someone by seeing who they truly are and loving them because of that. I am very proud to be a sister of one of the first sororities to openly accept genderqueer members, and that is partially why I think “sisterhood” can be used in an ungendered way. I feel a sense of sisterhood with my siblings in Delta Phi Epsilon in the same way I feel it with my sisters of DPhiE.

I know this blog post only scratches the surface of a very complex and deep topic, but I hope it generates conversations about how we can use gendered language in a more inclusive way. I hope it challenges you to see things in a way you maybe haven’t thought about before. However, I want to end with emphasizing that, above all else, it is more important to use language each individual prefers. I do not think it is right to force these gendered terms upon people, but I hope that maybe one day they will lose their associations with gender or we will invent similar gender-neutral terms that still encompass the depth of their meanings.

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Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

Learning Something New Every Day

Before my mom retired, she always used to joke that she learned something new every day. When I was younger, I used to dread the idea of learning something new every day because I thought that meant I would never truly be an expert in my field. It’s only now that I’ve started freelance editing that I understand the value of being in a constant state of learning (and that it doesn’t mean you’re not an expert).

I’ve seen some freelance editors on social media judging others for not knowing certain things about editing. “If you’re qualified to edit, you really should know X, Y, and Z.” And while this is true to some extent, I hate to think what editors would become if we all adopted this mentality. We wouldn’t be very good editors, that’s for sure.

Even the best editors should learn something new, if not every day, then at least frequently. I’ve always had a pretty good grasp of English phrases and idioms, but when I first started taking editing classes, I was shocked to find out that the correct phrase is “homing in,” not “honing in.” Even now, more than a year after I first made the decision to pursue editing as a career, I find myself learning new things.

On top of that, editors who have a mentality of constantly learning are just…better editors in my opinion. The editors who don’t want to learn are the ones who give us a bad rap. Having an open mind is not only cohesive to editing, it’s important in life in general. Not to mention that it allows us to connect with writers more deeply, since we’re open to new ideas or information.

So, I suppose I should apologize to my mom for rolling my eyes every time she said she learned something new at her job. It turns out I’d end up adopting the same mindset in my own career.

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Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

How Being Autistic Makes Me a Better Editor

A little over a year ago I was diagnosed as autistic, something I’m adamant on being open about, especially because so many women go undiagnosed for way too long. In many ways, I’m thankful that I wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood because my autistic traits were accepted while I was growing up; I was allowed to be autistic, maybe with the judgment of being quirky, but I wasn’t pressured into masking in some ways.

When I received my diagnosis, the process felt strange to me. Why is autism a “disorder”? Isn’t it just part of who I am? So many of the stereotypes and widely held beliefs about autistic people did not ring true for me. Because of this, I was able to appreciate being autistic. And I discovered that being autistic makes me a better editor. “How?” you might ask.

Many autistic people see things differently than neurotypical people. We are the epitome of “thinking outside the box,” oftentimes because we don’t see the box or don’t understand why the box is the frame from which everyone else seems to operate. I think this tendency is what frequently leads to the “genius” stereotype because the “unique” ideas of autistic people sound prodigious to neurotypical people.

Despite the stereotypes, being able to think of various original ideas is exactly what you want in a developmental editor. Developmental editing, in my opinion, is a creative collaboration between an author and an editor in an attempt to elevate the manuscript. Authors don’t need run-of-the-mill or ordinary suggestions to improve their stories.

Now, am I saying authors need autistic editors’ brilliant and visionary suggestions? No, that’s completely buying into the “genius” stereotype. But they do need autistic editors’ uncommon and maybe unusual suggestions. The goal is not for the editor to come up with the greatest or most unique idea. The goal is for the editor to come up with different ideas that inspire the author’s best ideas. And, I would argue, autistic editors have an advantage in pursuing that goal.

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Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

Editing as a Subjective Art Form

What’s an opinion I held about editing that changed after I took editing classes? Well, before I started pursuing freelance editing, I did not think of editing as subjective. I thought about it like a math problem; your answer, or your edit, was either right or wrong. Now, I’m often amazed by how subjective editing truly is, in all its forms.

Developmental editing is an area that is clearly subjective. Even before I took developmental editing classes (and before I knew what it really was), I would’ve said it is highly subjective if someone had explained it to me. Sure, there are certain things that are clearly right or wrong. A POV error is an error no matter how you look at it. But most aspects of developmental editing are subjective, even instinctive.

That being said, when I first started taking courses for my copyediting certificate, I was shocked to discover that copyediting is also subjective. Do you need a comma here? Well, you don’t need one, but you might want one, and the reader might think it’s a mistake if there isn’t one. Should you use “who” or “that” when referring to a person? i.e. “The person who wrote this blog post” or “The person that wrote this blog post”?

In fiction editing, these topics, along with many others, are highly subjective. Sometimes even matters of correctness are still subjective. For instance, the phrase “I couldn’t care less,” is correct, but so many people use “I could care less” that it is not necessary to implement the “correct” phrase as an editor.

On top of that, the fact that writing is subjective for writers and editing is subjective for editors allows for plenty of room for miscommunication. That’s one reason why it’s so important to make sure you find an editor who is a good fit for you. So many aspects of writing and editing are up to interpretation, and ensuring writers and editors are on the same page is vital to creating a story that maintains the author’s meaning while also polishing the manuscript to make it the best it can be.

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Emily Katzenberger Emily Katzenberger

ACES VCON: The Sessions I’m Looking Forward to Most

ACES vCon will be the first editing conference I attend! I was so excited to see the many wonderful sessions that will be presented. Here are a few I’m particularly looking forward to:

Confident Querying, Without the Ego led by Christine Steele and Lourdes Venard

Querying is one of those skills that I either feel ridiculously confident about or not confident at all. I usually worry that I’m querying too much, but I figure it’s better to query too much than not enough. I’, looking forward to finding my footing in querying, starting with this session.

I took The Business of Copyediting with Christine through the UCSD Copyediting Program, and she is not only one of the wisest editors I know but also an editor who is committed to lifting up others in the field. So, I know this session will be filled with valuable information!

Beyond the Gender Binary: Editing for More Inclusive Fiction led by Eliot West and Tanya Gold

As many of you know, I am just starting out in my freelance editing career. However, I hope to work with many authors from marginalized communities, so I can’t imagine a better place to start than with this session. I have wanted to be more involved with the LGBTQIA+ community, and I think expanding my knowledge about various identities is vital.

I can’t wait to see what West and Gold have to share! I’ve e-met Tanya once, and they are so kind and encouraging! I am very excited to have the chance to learn more about nonbinary representation from editors who are nonbinary themselves!

Through the Looking Glass: A Different Lens from Disabled, Chronically Ill, and Neurodivergent Editors

I am so excited about this session because the topic really resonates with me! As a disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent editor, I love that other editors are encouraging people to adopt a different attitude toward these communities. Since receiving my diagnosis of autism earlier this year, I have struggled with understanding why it is a diagnosis when it’s just who I am. Similarly, I frequently feel like my disabilities and chronic illnesses give me a unique perspective, especially within editing.

I had the chance to e-meet Vee once, and they are so knowledgeable and caring! I can’t wait to learn from them and the other speakers in this session!

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